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Indoor Photography Lighting – 12 Tips to Create the Perfect Scene

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The secret to any fantastic photo is carefully selected lighting. For many new beginners, mastering indoor lighting can be difficult. With the right tips and tricks, you can start shooting pictures like a pro.

Below, learn 12 tips to create the perfect scene using indoor photography lighting. These tips can ensure that the lighting you set up adds to the photo instead of taking away from it. 

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Indoor Photography Lighting – 12 Tips to Create the Perfect Scene

1. Make the Most of Natural Lighting

Animal Photographer
Image Credit: nidan, Pixabay

Natural lighting looks so much better than artificial lighting. Make the most of natural lighting by opening up windows and doors. To ensure the photo has the final finish you want, take the picture during the time of day that the natural lighting has the right hue and brightness.

2. Control Natural Lighting With a Mirror

If you decide to use natural lighting, you can actually control the natural light by hanging up mirrors in the window. Just by having a mirror and some suction cups, you will be able to control the natural lighting like a pro.

3. Use Windows Strategically

Butterfly Window
Image Credit: JoshuaWoroniecki, Pixabay

As already mentioned, natural lighting looks so much better than artificial lighting, and opening windows is the best way to get natural lighting in your house. Even so, it’s important to use windows strategically. North-facing windows tend to offer the best light, but you can use windows with specific curtains and other features to get the final finish you want.

4. Use Aperture Mode

Whenever you shoot in aperture mode, you get to choose the aperture and the shutter speed. This gives you a lot more flexibility over the exposure of the shot. Aperture essentially increases the amount of light that your camera can get. When used correctly, aperture mode ensures sharp, crisp photos with perfect lighting.

5. Select White Balance

Most beginning photographers only select white balance during the editing phase. To get the best shot, choose your white balance specifically based on the environment around you. By doing so, you will have the right white balance for the shot.

6. Use a White Backdrop

White Backdrop
Image Credit: krislandina, Pixabay

White is the best color for catching the light. In indoor environments, you definitely want to select settings and environments where the light is caught as much as possible. You can catch extra light by using a white backdrop in the shot. Something as simple as a white sheet will work great.

7. Use a Reflector

When shooting indoors, shooting with a reflector can be a life-changer since it ensures there is enough light around your subject. The purpose of a reflector is to bounce light back towards the subject. Have your subject holder the reflector, and the results will be breathtaking.

8. Try Out a Lightbox

Image By: Alexas_Fotos, Pixabay

If you are taking pictures of staged objects, you can try to create a lightbox. The idea behind the lightbox is to create a secluded environment that maximizes as much light as possible. You can make a cheap playbox by laying white curtains on a chair or box and sitting the subject in the middle.

9. Use Curtains to Diffuse Light

If there’s too much natural light coming in, you can diffuse that light by using your curtains or blinds. Sheer curtains that still allow a little bit of light in are often best.

10. Try Unique Light Sources

male wedding photographer at work
Image By: Getúlio Moraes, Unsplash

Although most pictures turn out best with natural lighting, you might want to experiment with unique light sources. Light sources such as Christmas lights, candles, or other forms of artificial light can create a unique picture in certain cases.

11. Experiment With Different Wattages

While you are experimenting with different light sources, experiment with different wattages as well. Experimenting with different wattages will allow you to see what brightness level is best for your shot.

12. Click and Perfect

While you are taking photos, edit and adjust while at the scene. Whenever you take photos, take a look at the picture and see if they should be edited or changed in any way. That way, you will have the best possible photos every time.

shutter camera divider 2 Frequently Asked Questions

What Kind of Lighting Should I Use for Indoor Photography?

When shooting indoors, it’s best to use natural lighting. Natural lighting will do a better job at softening images and shadows than artificial lights. The best way to do this is to set up your subject close to an open door or window. If the shot is too bright, you can put a sheer curtain over the window.

What Are the Best Settings for Indoor Room Photography?

When shooting indoors, try to keep your ISO low. An ISO around 100 will be best. Additionally, make sure to set your aperture and set your white balance while you are taking the shots.

shutter camera divider Conclusion

If you want to take fantastic photos inside, the secret is mastering the lighting. Of course, this is easier said than done, but you will eventually figure out the best way to maximize lighting indoors. By using the 12 tips above, you are now on your way to shooting indoor lighting like a pro in no time.

See also:

Featured Image Credit: Lirofilm, Pixabay

About the Author Robert Sparks

Robert’s obsession with all things optical started early in life, when his optician father would bring home prototypes for Robert to play with. Nowadays, Robert is dedicated to helping others find the right optics for their needs. His hobbies include astronomy, astrophysics, and model building. Originally from Newark, NJ, he resides in Santa Fe, New Mexico, where the nighttime skies are filled with glittering stars.