What Is Nebraska’s State Bird? How Was It Decided?

western meadowlark bird perching

State bird, state flower, state logo. All 50 states have one of these (and other categories) to add a little pep and pride about their history.  Nebraska became a state in 1867, just 2 years after the Civil War ended. It’s now home to the world’s largest fossil, the first glass of Kool-Aid, and a Chef […]

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Solar vs. Lunar Eclipse: What’s the Difference?

Solar Eclipse vs Lunar Eclipse

Eclipses have fascinated people all over the world for millennia and have been deeply studied by astronomers for centuries. In ancient times, eclipses were often seen as bad omens and were thought to foreshadow the coming of tough times.  However, with our knowledge of celestial mechanics, we now know that eclipses are simply a celestial […]

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Solar System vs. Galaxy: What’s the Difference?

Solar System vs Galaxy

Space is a complicated and intricate domain that can be difficult to understand, so many people are unclear about the differences between our solar system and galaxies. Our solar system is incomprehensibly small compared to the Milky Way galaxy, which we call home. Our Sun is just one of the hundreds of billions of stars […]

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How Does a Flashlight Work? What Are Its Parts?

tactical water proof flashlight

When you turn a flashlight on, it can feel like magic. But inside the device that you’re holding, there’s a sound scientific process that’s turning electricity into light that you can use.   So, how exactly does a flashlight work, and what are all of its different components? It seems like it’s a complicated thing, but […]

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What is Virginia’s State Bird? How Was it Decided?

male northern cardinal perched

The state bird of Virginia is none other than the bright, crimson, and flashy Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis). It’s no surprise that this avian fellow was chosen as the state bird as it is frequently spotted in Virginia’s meadows, woodlands, and backyard gardens. This medium-sized songbird delights the local population and is a welcome visitor […]

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How Long is a Day on Mercury? How Long is a Year?

image of planet mercury

Mercury is the smallest and first planet in our solar system, making it the planet that is closest to the sun. But exactly how long is a day on Mercury? How long is a year? And how do those numbers compare to our days and years here on Earth? One day on Mercury is about […]

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How Long Do Birds Live? (Average Lifespan Data & Facts)

white throated magpie perching

Unlike humans, birds do not show physical signs of aging. They don’t turn gray or become arthritic. Even so, birds do age and have an expiration date, but it can be difficult to predict how old birds are since they don’t show obvious signs of aging.  Because it’s hard to know how old a bird […]

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What Is Depth of Field & Depth of Focus on a Microscope?

close up microscope lenses

The depth of focus and the depth of field are two very important principles when it comes to microscopes. A lot of people think they are one and the same because they both play critical roles in determining image clarity, focus, and working distance. Look at the depth of field1, for example. There’s no way […]

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What Is Rhode Island’s State Bird? How Was It Decided?

Rhode Island Red Chicken on the grass

Learning about the different state birds can be educational and even fun. Some states share their state bird, while others, like Rhode Island, have something unique. The Rhode Island state bird is the Rhode Island Red, a type of chicken. Keep reading as we dive into this topic to see when, why, and how the […]

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What Is Mississippi’s State Bird? How Was It Decided?

northern mockingbird

Known for its famous geographic regions like the Mississippi River and coastline bordering the Gulf of Mexico, Mississippi is a southern setting with a variety of landscapes. Whether you’re a resident of the Magnolia State or just stopping in, it’s always a pleasure to learn what represents the state. If you were wondering what the […]

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