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American Robin: Field Guide, Pictures, Habitat & Info

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american robin bird perching

The American Robin is one of the most common birds in the United States, and you can find them almost anywhere in the spring and summer. However, many people, including bird watchers, know surprisingly little about them. To help expand your knowledge about these amazing birds, keep reading this field guide to learn more about their habitat, diet, and behavior. 

Quick Facts About the American Robin

Habitat Woodlands, tundra, forests, parks
Diet Omnivore
Behavior Friendly and social
Nesting Grass, weeds, and mud
Conservation Least concern
Scientific name T. Migratorius
Lifespan: 2–3 years

American Robin General Description

The American Robin has a reddish-brown underbelly and chest, making it easy to identify. It has brown plumage on its back, wings, and head that can vary in shade, and it has a robust body. It usually grows 9–11 inches long and often sings as storms approach.

american robin perching
Image Credit: Michael Siluk, Shutterstock

American Robin Range, Habitat, Behavior, Diet & Nesting


The American Robin has a huge range that extends from Alaska to Mexico, and it has permanent residence across the United States, from the east coast to the west.


The Robin is an adaptable bird that can live in many different environments. It’s at home in the woodlands and tundra, and you can also find them in forests and scrublands. These social birds enjoy being around humans, so you will often find them in parks, gardens, barns, and pastures. They tend to forage for food in open areas, where they can make a quick getaway and spot predators from a distance.

American Robin
Image Credit: Petr Ganaj, Pexels


The American Robin spends much of its time on the ground foraging for food. It likes to stay out in the open, so it can fly away if a predator arrives. It likes to rest in dense vegetation where it is difficult to find. These social birds often congregate in flocks and roost together at night and forage together during the day.


The American Robin is an omnivore, so it eats both plants and animals. It prefers earthworms in the morning, and it’s one of the first birds that you will find hunting for food each day. As time passes, the Robin will often switch to fruits, nuts, and berries.


A female American Robin builds a cup nest that resembles a small bowl, and she usually gets it built before the spring leaves appear. It often consists of dried grasses and mud. You can find Robin nests in several locations, including shrubs and trees. Robins lay an average of four eggs at a time, which will hatch about 2 weeks later.

american robin on her nest
Image Credit: Anthony Ricci, Shutterstock

How to Find the American Robin: Birdwatching Tips

  • What to Listen For: The American Robin is one of the first songbirds that you will hear singing each day and one of the last birds to stop singing each night.
  • What to Look For: Its red belly is the easiest way to identify the American Robin. It’s often easy to see when it hops around your yard foraging for food.
  • When to Look: Since the American Robin likes to hunt for earthworms early in the morning, that’s the best time to look for them. Several Robins will usually forage for food together, making it quite easy to locate them as the sun rises.

Attracting the American Robin to Your Backyard: Tips & Tricks

One of the best ways to attract an American Robin to your home is to add a birdbath. These birds enjoy cool, fresh water, and they will often go out of their way to access it, especially if the water’s moving. You can also try putting up a nest box to convince them to stay. These boxes work best during the mating season, but it’s good to set them up early so your scent will have time to wear off.

american robin perched on a wood eating worm
Image Credit: Veronika_Andrew, Pixabay

The American Robin Conservation: Is This Bird Threatened?

Though the American Robin only has a 50% chance of making it through the year due to the number of predators that it faces, including household cats, hawks, and owls, these birds are quite common, and conservationists have placed them in the “least concern” category.

Related Read: 14 Birds That Look Like Robins (With Pictures)


The American Robin is easy to find anywhere in the United States, and you don’t need to take any special steps to see one because they commonly forage on the ground looking for worms. They are one of the first birds to start singing each day and the last to stop, and you will usually see them congregating in large numbers. They don’t usually come to yards to visit bird feeders, but they will enjoy a birdbath if you install one.

Featured Image Credit: Brian Guest, Shutterstock

About the Author Ed Malaker

Ed Malaker is a veteran writer who contributes to a wide range of blogs covering information on computer programming, pets, birding, tools, fitness, guitars, and optics. Outside of writing, Ed is often found working in the garden or performing DIY projects in the house. Ed is also a musician, spending his time composing music for independent films or helping people repair their guitars.